Letters to the Next President

Picture 4

We are beginning a new series on June 29th at North Point and it promises to be one that generates a lot of questions. We wanted to get people involved no matter what political view point they had so, we created a website where people can write a letter to the next president no matter WHO it will be. You are not writing to a candidate but to the next president.

Don’t forget to check out the promo. It’s always fun to have Andy involved and we had a great time recreating the White House press room – IN ONE DAY!!!. North American Mission Board is right next door to North Point so we were able to get the flags. We rented the blue drape. Then Matt from the media team sketched out a fun version of the white house but with a little spin. Make sure you see it! Podium is courtesy of Alpharetta Baptist Church.

This series promises to be a good one and we are really excited about it. Stay tuned…

4-13-08 TenBefore

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CLICK HERE to see it.

Ok, I know its been a while since I posted a video confessional. These take time and right now, time is a luxury.
This TenBefore had more singles events in it then normal. Thanks for being interested in this as always. I am humbled by your comments.

In this edition we had Do.Justice for singles – Promo for Jeff’s series that concludes this Sunday – then a promo for Fusion (a singles gathering and connection event) and then we focused on Middle school. We used Joe Wiggleston and contracted out the final editing and the final export of the Ten Before.

Again, we are still learning as we go but for us, it’s a great way to welcome, engage and let people know what is coming up.

TenBefore 3-2-08 for North Point, Buckhead and Browns Bridge

Ok – this post is a doozey so grab a cup of coffee if your interested and get a feel for what three campuses experience right before the services start on a Sunday morning.

Let me start off by giving some credits:

Producer: well… that would be me.
Written & Directed (Kelly segments for all three campuses): Sunny Williams
Shooter for Green Screen: Dave Blakeslee
Green Screen Edit: Dave Blakeslee
Keyed: the guys let me do this.
Composited, Motion Graphics and Final Edit: Matt Gibson (our maximizer)

Click here to see NPCC’s TenBefore
Click here to see Buckhead’s TenBefore
Click here to see Browns Bridge TenBefore

Before you see the TenBefore’s, read below for a little bit of insight.

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Each week the media team needs to export three different versions of the TenBefore. Much of the content is the same but there are specific elements that are different. three Churches – three Kelly intro’s – three logo’s.

Picture 5-1

For this particular week, all three churches are letting people know about “NEXT” an environment for those wishing to take the next step in getting connected. Whether it’s volunteering, finding out where to get plugged in, whatever you are interested in, we want them to not take up a seat but to get INVOLVED and find out what is NEXT.

Picture 9Picture 1-8

So we needed to promote “I Want to be Great” a new four-part series that Clay Scroggins AND Andy were going to preach together. Clay is young, fun and is the High School pastor. Andy is, well, the senior pastor! So we convinced Andy to help us with the promo and I am so glad he did. He has a great sense of humor and pulled it off great. The concept obviously came from a certain Super Bowl ad but it worked perfect because of the series that was coming up. (This promo is in the Buckhead and Browns Bridge TenBefore and not in North Point’s. North Point had already ran it twice and instead did a Kelly VO with graphics.) Tripp and Tyler did great and continue to be a staple of laughs for our pre-service ideas! Tripp (guy on left), Adam, Matt, Ryan, Dave B. did a great job of getting this baby in the can on a tight turnaround with some TOUGH weather conditions and some serious illnesses. While one crew was shooting the golf scene, Dave was setting up in Andy’s office. We had 45 minutes to get Andy’s stuff.
A lot of details on this shoot. The picture in picture on the computer. The wall that needed to fall (thanks matt borbi). Finding a golf course in the dead of winter. Asking IT to give us a computer and CAMERA we could total. Good times.
I got to put the graphic together at the end and added the “falling” logo for a little fun. Mike (our graphic designer) worked really hard with Brian Manley to come up with this look. HUGE TEAM EFFORT. These are my favorite successes.

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We started a new segment called “unplugged” and really it’s a way for our attenders to get to know our worship leaders in a fun and relate-able way. The cool thing about this is that all three campuses got involved. North Point (Dave and Tripp) shot and edited Kristian Stanfill’s video. Kaye at Buckhead shot and edited Chrystina Fincher’s video and Ryan Shove and Shae got to shoot Casey Darnell’s video. We know that there are a TON of ways to do this kind of video. Kaye originally came up with the Cribs type feel so we modeled after it however kept it a little bit “lower toned”. Our goal was to not make it CRIBS “look at me” but more of a get to know me segment as if you were invited over to the house. Browns Bridge went with a completely different route and came up with a powerful piece on Casey. I love Ryan’s set design. Matt from media worked his magic on the branding side of things.

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Buckhead added a little segment called the “Just Tell Booth”. In early January we did a series called “Just Ask”. Buckhead decided to make a “confessional booth” for people who were invited to church by a friend, co-worker, family member, etc.. and to talk into a camera and tell their story of how someone “asked” them to church. I love this idea and I love that we were able to put it into the TenBefore that is specific to Buckhead.

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Lastly – all three campuses took the opportunity to make people aware of one of our partnerships. This time we highlighted Southside Church in Peachtree City. I believe Joe Wiggleston took a ton of B-Roll for our guys to put together. Kelly did great with walking us through this campus. I can’t say enough about Kelly and the way she makes this look easy. Sunny Williams does an amazing job of writing these scripts and walking and directing Kelly during the shoots. Again, I am spoiled to work with incredible people.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all or just make a general comment. Believe it or not, I hate to write, but love to read.

Text Part 1 Title Package

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Click Here to see title package.
Click Here to see full message.

So this series just leant itself to doing some crazy stuff with letters, words, etc..
Mike started it off strong with the promo for text and then I did this title package which could change for week 2 (probably just intro text). Matt finished it off with some sound effects and last minute changes. Team is always better then one.
I got more comments on the music I chose than anything else.
FYI – I am not sure I mentioned it but we used ADAM’s sister Anna Dukes for the design. She is in college and we are letting her run the gamet (?) for her portfolio. Resources, bulletin, etc.. She ran with the concept given to her and did great.

***Just a tip for those that design for video – think smaller fonts than you are used to. So often I see videos where the TEXT IS HUGE!!! Lower thirds are huge. Logo’s are HUGE. Find the font that works, and think about 6-10 points smaller than normal.

TenBefore January #2 – Video Confessional

This is the second Ten Before for the year and I really think we are off to a great start. We ran this last week as well and before that we had the week off (ice- that didn’t happen) and it was a HUGE blessing to get caught up on so much.
To see the latest version – Click HERE.
Here is the rundown:

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WAUMBA LAND – Kelly is doing a great job as always and Sunny Williams is rockin and rollin as the producer of Kelly’s segments. She deserves a medal for keeping up with three campuses schedules. We decided at the beginning of the year that we were not going to wait for promo requests to highlight a certain ministry, especially those that are going on during Sunday morning. In the beginning of January we talked about “Next”, now we are talking about “Waumba Land”. For us it gives the first time person or 5 time attender information about what is available. In the coming months, we will continue this as we go up in age.
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GLOBAL X – Since August, I have made it my mission to focus on ONE concept to promote throughout the year for each ministry. We can change the story and execution each time but let’s get a concept and run with it. (concept – story – execution). For missions, our concept was to interview both sides of the benefits of going on a short terms trip. The person that went, and the person from the country who received the help. We would ask them the same 5 questions and cut between them. For this first stab, we ended up showing just the person that went. We got footage from our friends in the Philippines however we couldn’t get it to work in the short time we had. Dave did some great editing and Matt handled graphics. I really want to see if the two person concept will work. We’ll see.

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MARRIEDLIFE – I LOVE this concept. I think this campaign is going to grow for MarriedLife. I really want to now if you all get it.
There is always this tension between promoting an event and showing footage from it (which is like taking a picture of Rome and telling everybody how great it is – it’s just not the same) or creating a buzz about the event or even the ministry. So for MarriedLife, we decided to promote the ministry and then tag it at the end with the EVENT info. The concept of the ministry promo being “Every marriage deserves more.”
Picture 5
This is the promo for “Text” we first promoted this last week. Mike bailed me out on this. I told Mike on a Thursday I needed help with the promo and what I envisioned for it. He killed it and read my mind. ESPECIALLY for getting it done on a Friday in 5 hours.
Picture 6
One of the great things about the TenBefore is that we can use Kelly to highlight any ministry and like Waumba land we are really trying to be intentional about Starting Point twice a month. We really think this is a great place for people to take that next step to a relationship with Christ.

Love to know your thoughts…

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Just Ask Part 1 Title Package (video Confessional)

For those of you who care, I’ll keep doing these so let me know if these help/assist/spark ideas or make you flat out laugh at me because you know of an easier way to do this.

After the missions message for the first of the year, we started a “quick” two part series called “Just Ask”. Andy talked about how so many times we want people to come to church with us and we hint around it but we never actually ask. It’s like saying “Hey we should do lunch sometime” and you mean it, but you don’t actually set up the time and date.

For this series we went REALLY generic and a little bit more artsy. there could be more subtle meaning into the title package but honestly, there’s not. It’s just a visual piece that I created from a design that Mike lead the charge with. We used Benji Peck out of Nashville and originally he was hired to take some stress off of us during the holidays and this look was going to be used for missions as well with some slight tweaking.(see previous post for details on that little fiasco). Benji just does great work.

Here is the Title Package:
Just Ask

this piece for me was a little bit therapeutic because the flower was a still graphic and I spent about 4 hours just separating it out. Here is the original graphic…
Justask Cover

Luckily all the little dandelions were separated out but I had to recreate the the flower in After Effects. I took three of the pedals that were flying (from the still) and then masked each of the little stems that came off of each little pedal (about 8 little lines each) so that they could move independently from each other (using a wiggle expression in After Effects). Then I took the three pedals, duplicated them a couple of times and surrounded the main stem so it looked like the original. I was worried about the wind blowing and trying to make the flying pedals as real as possible. It could have been better and overall I really like the feel. Props to Mike for making the look of this happen.

This week we are using this same title package but taking it a step further.

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Ten Before for the New Year! (Video Confessional)

Last Week and this week we played the new “WINTERIZED” version of the TenBefore. This had all new elements in it and the Media team has been working really hard to get this version ready for the new year. We shot all the green screen in December, Tripp and Dustin went to Colorado to shoot the “Grouplink” piece, and Matt killed it on the partnership look with Dave producing most of the videos.

Here are the details:

New Look and Fireworks:
It was my responsibility to winterize the TenBefore for this go around and I am happy with the way it turned out. So far we have done a summer version of the Ten Before and a Fall version. Winter couldn’t be missed and especially the start of the new year (fireworks). I love the addition of the cannon like firing out of smoke to explode the fireworks and to put the snowflake in place (Instead of the red star). I wanted to make the distinction between having it feel winter and having it feel like a SNOWY day. The countdown clock to me feels wintery and not SNOWY. I am already looking forward to spring. Matt followed suit with the colors and made all of Kelly’s elements the same tone.

The KidStuf piece was written by Donny from Kidstuf and basically wanted to make awareness for KidStuf for the new year. I love the girl actor. She did amazing and the kids did great too. The premise for this video was that parents could use some help when it come to teaching the bible and to attempt to do it in a KidStuf like manner themselves is really fruitless. Tripp directed and editing this with Matt’s help.

The Grouplink piece was written and directed and edited by Tripp, produced by Dave. Grouplink’s concept for this next year is communicating that life is full of risk and awkward moments but unless you take that first step, you won;t know what your missing. Grouplink is one of the most awkward places you will ever find yourself, in a circle with people you don’t know, being pushed to do life together. The first version of this concept was the middle school dance, and then this time, groups came to us with the idea of the skier kind of fumbling his way through the lift and then taking that first step towards the unknown of skiing. Tripp took the Panasonic HVX 200 with a kickin lens set-up, Dustin to help and then the actor. The actor went for free. All the guys got altitude sickness on their first two days in Colorado the the sky cleared up and had one AMAZING day of sun. They went from a Wednesday Morning until a Sunday night. They were able to shoot TWO of those days. Dave B. got ALL the logistics set-up and the guys didn’t have to worry about a thing. We got tickets for flight $199 each. Room under $79. Free rentals and lift tickets. I really do love this video. We actually made some changes from this one to include some more text throughout and a better/bigger payoff at the end (guy smiling a lot more). Tripp got some AMAZING shots. Dave, Tripp and Dustin, amazing job. Music from Bluefuse.

The strategic partners piece was to make attenders and visitors aware that there are other churches across the country that we call “Partners” that basically believe and run church the same way we do. Matt did this whole piece in After Effects and did a great job. He is really getting the little details down that I nitpick about so much, especially the shadows and reflections.

For the upcoming months Kelly is going to be highlighting specific environments and ministries that are going on in the morning or at church itself. This round we are talking about “Next” where people can take the next step in getting involved and see where they fit.

We then went on to highlight what Andy is talking about and then said goodbye. This whole TenBefore was a huge team effort and everyday I count my blessings that I get to work with a team of such talented individuals who trust each other.

Again, the TenBefore is meant to not just take the announcements out of the service but to start with the hopes of breaking down some walls for those that walk through our doors for the first time. My prayer is that when people see the TenBefore and Kelly’s warmth and some engaging content – they will be ready and open for what’s to come as well as lead them to the next step.

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Global X Sunday Title Package (Confessional)

Movie Clipping 1

For the first of the year we focused on Global X (our missions ministry).
A lot of different things happened during the service including incorporating other countries worship services (via taped video) into our worship experience while singing. It was a great Sunday. The print design of this came from missions so we took it into illustrator and cut out all the elements. The globe I used on this was from iStock and let me tell you, its the best looking globe I have seen. Great detail and texture on it. This was somewhat rushed but I think the execution came out well.
I still don’t know designed the original concept (Key Art) but I liked it. Funny story though, we were running in our own direction with a look and then in one of our meetings at the end of December Tomas said “Hey we have a T-shirt that has a pretty cool look on it.” I saw it and was like DUUUUHHHHHH. Then I shrunk in my seat and thought… “always ask the ministry your partnering with if they have a current look they would like to use.” We were running and gunning and didn’t stop to ask “hey maybe missions has something they are already working on”.

I am so glad they told us because it was a great look.

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Christmas Title Package

We had a great Sunday before Christmas.
Thought I would throw up the title package I did before Andy went up.
The kerning and spacing is off a touch but I do like the simplicity of it.


Video confessional in a nutshell:
Created it in After Effects –
Took the tree that MIke cut out from iStock. Threw it into the same base design from the whole look of “Be Rich”. Pulled the frame out a little and added a big drop shadow for depth. Put everything in 3-d and added light. Did slow camera pull out. Snow was made in Particular and if you look very carefully, you will see the lights glimmering on the tree. The white lights on the tree was made with Particular preset but made sure nothing moved, then added Starglow. To create the glimmer, Tripp and I brainstormed and used Fractal Noise with high contrast and then used it as a track matte. Worked like a charm. Added text.

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“Be Rich” Campaign

Based off of an earlier series we did this fall called “How to be Rich”, North Point, Browns Bridge, and Buckhead launched a huge initiative this Christmas season called “Be Rich”. We wanted to push our attenders, members, basically anybody that was listening to GIVE. Not to any of the three campuses but to give locally to specific charities and also to some needs around the world. This video that will show Dec. 23rd tells the story and gives the results. The numbers are not pledges. They are real dollars that people gave.
Be Rich-1

Video Confessional:
Music, music, music
. If you are thinking about doing a mission’s piece go get copyrights for Tim Hughes’ song “God of Justice”. It is absolutely perfect and speaks truth to what we want people to hear and do. Tyler from Browns Bridge lead the way with this song and EMI is so easy to get rights from to play it synced with video. (I also recommend Fee’s “Burn for You” ) Audio is 3/4’s of the viewers experience and this song took this video to a whole new level. We were originally going to open with a live children’s choir singing “Some children see Him” and this video playing behind it but it didn’t feel right. We separated the two and used “God of Justice” from our original promo and it worked so much better.

The original look for the Be Rich campaign started with Groups and they were using a guy by the name of Jeff Gribble from Design Industry. We went through a couple of renditions and finally landed on something that everybody was happy with for print. Mike did a great job implementing the design into different quips and even continuing the brand into Christmas where we added the tree.
Berich Evite Tree

(back to the video) – Matt (from Media) had a vision for this baby from the beginning and ran with it. He pretty much owned this edit from the start using After Effects and Final Cut. (Heck two years ago I taught Matt After Effects and now he is doing circles around me.) I LOVE the addition of the heart exploding that we grabbed from the original promo. Matt put it in just the right spot. Dave (from Media) scheduled all the shoots (around 15 or so) throughout the 4 weeks so we had footage GALORE to work with. Dave, Matt, Tripp, and our old intern Mark shot at different times throughout the 4 weeks. We also included what Ryan and Josh shot at Browns Bridge and Buckhead. Global X and Groups provided additional content and stats to complete the video.

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“It’s Personal” Part 4. Scott Alka

This is the last story that we played last week at North Point. It will show at Browns Bridge this week.
This story is VERY personal for me and Tyler because Scott is in our small group. I can’t tell you what an amazing person Scott is. He is one of the most humble men I know and for being so young in his faith he teaches me so much. This story will touch your heart.


As far as details for this video – Mike again took the pictures and did an amazing job with it. Brad Sitton (Blister Studios) who is also in our small group did the motion graphics. Everything else is the same in regards to finalizing and syncing with music as the other three versions. Media guys had their fingerprints over all of the videos and as a team really shined. Overall this has been one of the most rewarding projects to work on and I couldn’t be more humbled by the efforts put into this by Scott, Meghan and Chris, as well as the team of people that owned their parts. We are doing a one week turn on the DVD’s for this series so we can have them available on Sunday. SO many people want to give to family and friends during the Christmas season. Thank you to all who were involved. Click here for Scott’s story. If you want to listen to Andy’s messages online click here.

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“It’s Personal” Part 3 (Meghan Coffee)

Oh my word this series has been more powerful than we could have ever imagined.
Andy has done an amazing job walking those who are “thinking” about taking that next step towards a relationship with Christ and pushing them to KNOW God before they UNDERSTAND God.

This particular title package is the story of Meghan Coffee. I don’t want to ruin anything but this girl has got a story. I loved meeting her and was so impressed by her attitude and flexibility with what we were asking her to do.


Here is a little bit of the VIDEO Confessional:

Jon Acuff again took and edited all three stories and continued the theme for “It’s Personal”. Meghan turned in her story and it was amazing. Her writing style was so unique and I thought Jon did a great job of keeping her authenticity.

We brought Meghan in to do her voice over the same day we did the photo shoot at the graveyard. Before she left we had her write her WHOLE story down on white paper with the paper turned landscape to better represent the 16×9 screen it was going to play on. Everything you see on this video is her handwriting and her voice.

Meghan’s story got pushed up a week because of the timing of both – when we wanted to play a Sarah Groves song and her availability to play it. That put us in a little bit of a bind. Mike (from Media) took this one and OWNED it. Mike shot all the pictures at the graveyard and Dave B. (from Media) shot live footage for backup. Mike then continued to do all the motion graphics.

Mike surprised all of us when he took all the photo’s – put them in iPhoto and printed out a contact sheet. He then cut all the pictures up and made a storyboard before he ever got into After Effects. We were able to go over all the pictures together, move things around, dialogue and then make final decisions. (Storyboards are great on white paper after you draw them, but to put them on a nice black canvas, cut the images/sketches out and move things around, it allows for a whole lot of decision making to happen before you even start shooting or editing. I am sure most everybody does this, but I think churches (not all) tend to skip over a lot of this process for multiple reasons and it usually has to do with time. Funny thing is, in our experience, time is saved when this process is applied.)

One of the best decisions we made was to actually add color to a couple of the pictures. It was just the right touch that separated this piece from the first, while still keeping the overall look. You’ll see why we did it.
I thought originally we were going to use a different song for this piece than Chris’s but the music is so good we decided to keep it for all three stories (Lead me to the Cross – Hillsong). Again, we played this song live one Sunday morning and Dustin (from media)remixed it and took the lead vocals out.

I am sure I forgot something so please feel free to ask any questions. Media guys, if I forgot something, feel free to comment.

Here is the final that we showed. CLICK HERE

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“It’s Personal” Part 2 Title Package

Here is the 1st story of three that showed last week at North Point and will show this week at Browns Bridge and Buckhead. There were more details in this than you might think and the whole team did incredible. Chris was great and it was a powerful story. Andy killed it. If you want to see the message then go to northpoint.org.


I also wanted to pass on what Chris shared with me on this past Monday after his story played at North Point…

Chris wrote:
“On Monday morning I arrived at work and this guy I didn’t know walks up to my cube and says, “My wife and I went to North Point on Sunday. She was raised Southern Baptist, I was not. She is a Christian, I am not. Your story is our story, but we are still in the middle of it.”

I cannot begin to describe the conversation we had over lunch. Our Father was all over it. We were talking about believing in Jesus and the guy kept saying, “I want to ‘get there’, but I just don’t know how.” I told him I don’t know how /he/ is going to get there, either! Not having all the answers is kinda freeing, actually. We discussed grievances we both have with how this whole deal works. The conversation kept coming back around to taking a step in God’s direction even with a clenched fist full of doubt.”

Please pray for Chris and the opportunities that lie in front of him, especially his co-workers.

“It’s Personal” Part 1 Title Package (Video Confessional)


OK, so here is the scoop on how “It’s Personal” came about…
These videos are unique in a couple of ways. First, everything is photographs. In the early creative meetings we wanted to tell three stories of different individual’s lives and the barrier’s that kept them from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Let me tell ya, these stories are powerful. We fell in love with a couple of black and white photo’s from JPEG magazine and as we worked through some design comps, decided to add blue splash to it. The bulletin looks great (See previous post) and overall the series is coming together well. One additional unique flavor about this series is that we are incorporating ALL SCREENS for the title package. Meaning, the videos will be showing on the 16×9 image mag as well as the High Def screen in the middle. The trick here (and we are still learning) is to not have the person in the audience try to figure out which one to look at but to instead, have a visual experience.
Here are the steps that we took to create the series so far…

– Creative meetings about look and feel and settled on B&W look with heavy text texture.

– Mike (graphic design) worked with Regime Design and we settled on heavy black look for bulletin with splash of blue throughout. Mike also took the photo’s for Scott’s story and Meghan’s story. He’s a stud. Dave B. shot video for backup (also a stud) and am really thinking about the possibility of using his shots for the DVD menu to change things up a bit.

– Decided on the three stories to tell. People agreed. Asked them to write their stories

– Asked Jon Acuff to edit stories and asked him to create a theme of the three stories that worked with our title. He edited them great and came up with these three statements –
“My story about my Heart starts with my Head” – Chris’s story
“My story about life starts with Death” – Meghan’s story.
“My story about being a son starts with being a dad” Scott’s Story

– we needed to decide on locations for these three shoots and use the locations as a center theme throughout based on their stories.

– Set-up photo shoots for all three people. Scott was first, then Chris, then Meghan. (This was over three weeks time). Just finished Meghan’s on friday.

– Set-up voice overs for these very REAL people to read their edited stories.

– For the initial soundtrack I choose a “Human Emotion” piece from Bluefuse music. For the stories we recorded the music from one of our worship services, remixed it and took out the vocals. (“Lead me to the Cross” was the song).
– I designed the series Promo and the title package for both screens in After Effects and it really started the series off great.

I will continue with more information on each part later… but this leads us to Part 1.

Love to hear your thoughts or any questions.

11/4/07 TenBefore for North Point (Video Confessional – Sorta)

So I figured I would post North Point’s version of the TenBefore. (Ragamuffin has Buckhead’s version) and go through a little bit of the why and the outline. Someday Browns Bridge Peeps might play in our reindeer games. 🙂

The TenBefore concept was two-fold. One, to take “announcements” out of the service and present them in a unique and engaging way and two, break down some walls for the first time church attender. We have learned a ton in the past year and half that we have been doing it and now that all three campuses are involved, it will only get better with collaboration.

For the first year it only showed on North Point’s campus, now it is showing on all three and yes, scheduling can be a nightmare especially when three campuses are doing three different message series. That’s when you see the media guys curl up into little balls with our thumbs in our mouths.

Each campus (Buckhead, North Point, Browns Bridge) gets their own each week. All the host segments are very similar with the exception of a couple places. Kelly does three different intro’s for each campus and the rest of the pieces are the same although graphics have to change for the “information pieces”.

Here is a look at the structure:
– Kelly Welcome & Mission Statement.
– Kelly kicks to what’s coming up (go to promo’s)
– PROMO’s (Having these in the middle allows us to add or change things on the fly. We learned that the hard way.)
– Back to Kelly to promote series or upcoming event.
– Kelly ends
– Service Begins.

Normally each TenBefore runs for two weeks with slightly different info added or subtracted.
Also, each campus can throw in a video in the promo section if they want too. (See Buckhead’s version and their promo for Jeff’s new series “Illusion”.

We are taking the month of December off for the TenBefore and instead doing pre-service Christmas music as people walk-in. It is always a nice rest.

Again, we are learning each time we do these and still have a ways to go but we keep pushing to try to get better.
This is a big part of my world so I thought I would talk about it a little.

Love to know your thoughts.


(also, I am no web programmer and would love to know how to embed these into my template from wordpress).

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Today (Life Lessons over lunch shoot and Designing the new Media offices)

Today was one of those days that I didn’t see half my team because of a video shoot at a secret location (down the road at NP’s other offices)(not really secret). Tripp and Dave led the charge for a LLOL video – thats fancy talk for “Life Lessons over Lunch”. This ministry utilizes the DVD’s that North Point creates so business leaders can play them during a lunch that he/she provides food for. Totally voluntary and reaelly effective. I absolutely LOVE the script and I think will speak to so many people that are trying to have an impact on the lives of those at work but will not step foot into a church.
I also spent a ton of time talking through the future plans for the new media offices. I am soooooooo dang proud of my team and how hard they work. Whenever you are dealing with media and print – it’s not just that you are getting it done but also realizing it’s going to get judged and criticized and critiqued every week. I am glad I am surrounded by people I trust, otherwise this job would be very frustrating. Knowing that my team and the other campuses have great hearts and great eyes for quality, criticism becomes a hot commodity that pushes you to be better.