Closed for Vacation.


Thanks to all who responded about my book requests.
I am taking three books with me to Hawaii.

51Anfkmskyl. Sl160 Pisitb-Dp-Arrow,Topright,21,-23 Sh30 Ou01 Aa115 31Vlcnw6Cml. Sl500 Bo2,204,203,200 Pisitb-Dp-500-Arrow,Topright,45,-64 Ou01 Aa240 Sh20 51M925Ly6Ul. Sl160 Pisitb-Dp-Arrow,Topright,21,-23 Sh30 Ou01 Aa115

I am going to start with Strong Fathers, strong Daughters, and then the White Book (Beatles biography) then Kite Runner.
I am leaving laptop at home, twittering would be cruel for those following, and texting is out of the question.
See ya the 11th.

In the words of Danny Dukes (worship leader), I am gonna go love on my Bride!


And so it begins….

So Jake signed up for football last Saturday and will start practices in August.
He has played soccer, basketball, and baseball. In each sport he just wants to tackle people.
Outside of me being concerned that Jake can’t get off the ground with all his pads on, I think he’ll have a good time.

For those that don’t know me well, I have deep roots in this sport and I hope my son enjoys it. Bring out the tums! Lord help me.

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Twitter is Killing me!!!

So I twitter via iChat mostly, sometimes through my iPhone but about two weeks ago, everytime I do a Twitter update via my iChat I get the following message:

“TwitterIM is under maintenance at the moment. Please check back later.”

After about the 50th time over the coarse of a couple of weeks, I figured something was a miss. (Don’t ask!)
Has anybody had this happened before? I have reset Twitter settings. Took out Twitter as a buddy and then re-added. MY OS is still Tiger.

I will give a dollar to the person that helps me figure this out!
Picture 1-7

Back in the Saddle (Day 2)

7:30 – Arrived at work. Cleaned office. Tried not to cough on anything or anyone. Caught up with Dave B. Watched video that is to run this Sunday. Very well done and good emotion.

8:30 – 10:00am Dept Directors Meeting. Went over “Juicing the Orange” (must read), talked about staffing, admin stuff, updates on spanish service, etc..

10:00-12:00 caught up with Media guys. Tripp was back from being sick for a week. We tried not to cough on each other. Mike came back from vacation (D.C. with his wife). Really glad Mike is back. Really glad Adam is Back (sore throat). Really glad Tripp is back. Really, really glad Dave, Matt and Ryan have held down the fort. Answered emails.

12:00-2:00pm – Drive Music Meeting. Drive is our conference coming up in May (you must come, it’s gonna be great). Talked about session 1. walked through with worship leaders a storyboard of the opening song and the visuals to go with it (I am pretty excited, but it could still be changed). Not going to give away anything but I am excited about what is in my head. Now our team has to figure out the rest of the conference.

2:00-4:00 – Help Matt re-key the new 10B4 for the week. Footage is not cooperating.  One more piece to go for tomorrow. (try to answer emails during renders)

4:00pm – Jiyoung drops kids at work with me to go visit with Jenn and Michael Colwell at hospital. Michael is having brain surgery TODAY to remove 1 of 4 tumors. Michael works in groups at North Point and is responsible for so many of the group curriculum content on North Point’s web and DVD’s. He does much more than that though. More than I think most of us know. Two years ago, Michael was diagnosed with melanoma and had beaten it. Recently, it came back throughout his body. Jenn and Michael are taking one day at a time and all of the staff of North Point, Browns Bridge, and Buckhead are praying for this incredible man, Jenn, and his two young boys. I love that my wife is there right now. 

4:30 – Took the kids to McDonalds.  

5:30 – broke up 3 little arguments about not sure what.

6:00 – Gave kids showers. Jake on computer playing a game. Jillian watching a show.

7:00 – read to kids. Layed down with Jillian. Layed down with Jake. Told Jake that he can’t be afraid of anything tonight because everything that he is afraid of is afraid of me. He said why? I said because I am bigger than they are! He laughed. 

Tomorrow morning, Jake will probably be found in Jillian’s room – on the floor – with his pillows and blanket. I love him! 

Praying for Michael. 


Library of Congress Flickr.

I was reading Tony Morgan’s blog and it had a link to his Creative/Web Director Joshua Blankenship for Newspring. He had a link to the “Library of Congress” Flickr acount. Talk about a “Gold Mine”. The key words on this site were… “no known copyright restrictions”.

For those times when you need it. It’s there.

Thank you Josh and it’s nice to meet you.


Which of these is NOT true. (Getting to know us a little)

My wife worked for Passion when it was just Louie, Shelly and – well – my wife.
I quit smoking when I was 25
I played in Germany for the Frankfurt Galaxy. (NFL Europe)
My wife is beautiful. (don’t even think about saying this isn’t true)
My kids are freaking adorable.
I played drums on Passion ’98
My dog Calvin sheds like he needs to make a blanket or something.
I have authored all of Louie Giglio’s sermon series DVD’s.
My brother’s name is Brian my name is Brad and if you say Brian and Brad Bretz are brothers really fast ten times you might hurt yourself.
I played with the Dallas Cowboys
I got cut by the Dallas Cowboys
I played with the Washington Redskins
I got cut by the Washington Redskins
I do not have Leopard yet.
We just finished remodeling our kitchen and life is goooooooooood.
Please post your answer.

Hello world!

B-rad on a B-log!!! Inspired by my talented friends and cohorts at Browns Bridge. The motion house started off as a cool name for my side business (motion graphics) but quickly realized it means more to me than that. People are always in motion, moving, traveling on a journey towards something and in most cases – someone. With my family, I want to and need to lead the charge with moving towards God daily. The Motion House.