Ok – so if your looking for info from here on out for anything North Point media related – I am excited to share that we have a new blog!!!
Inside North Point is a new resource for those that want insight and frequently asked questions to what we do at North Point in our environments. The media page will be an active blog being updated by different members of the media team. Graphic design, motion graphics, TenBefore, North Point TV, every person on the team will be contributing and discussing what we do. There are bio’s of the team and additional resources coming soon! Please add this new site to your reader and join in the conversation.

Please note from here on out – this Motionhouse blog will not have many more updates about what is going on with North Point Media. Maybe some random things about Jake and Jillian though. Thanks for hanging with me!

Announcing “North Point TV with Andy Stanley”

The media team at North Point combined with web and resources guru’s have been working really hard for the last 4 months branding, editing, and evaluating this new venture into TV. North Point TV with Andy Stanley will launch April 5th on FamilyNet. We are almost finished with the first 9 episodes. Please let us know what you think!

3D Designs

3D design like any design is a style that is either embraced or it is shied away from. I think the latter for most is because many don’t have the capability to do it or know which tool set to use. I really believe that I would be ok if there was a 3D element in all the designs we create for North Point. Why? Because it’s dynamic. There is something No not every design NEEDS it but it seems like for years everybody has been using textures, blending modes, layers upon layers of blending modes, flat text, CLEAN layouts, etc. Why not 3D? I realize this is a very simplistic statement and a good design, even if it had 3D elements in it still needs to be well thought out, well layed out, and a talented artist thinking through the details.

So why can’t that be you.

Been Busy

I know I haven’t posted in a while but things have been crazy busy. I am thinking about starting from scratch with my blog but need more time. The guys at North Point have been killing it. Some staff changes in the department has been challenging but I am excited about the year ahead. Hopefully I will post something soon but I just need to slow down.

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Closed for Vacation.


Thanks to all who responded about my book requests.
I am taking three books with me to Hawaii.

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I am going to start with Strong Fathers, strong Daughters, and then the White Book (Beatles biography) then Kite Runner.
I am leaving laptop at home, twittering would be cruel for those following, and texting is out of the question.
See ya the 11th.

In the words of Danny Dukes (worship leader), I am gonna go love on my Bride!


What Book for Vacation??

Jiyoung and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage next week by going to Hawaii. WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!

I wanted to ask all of you – if you could bring any book or books to read, what would it be?

Sky’s the limit. It could be design, leadership, fiction, non-fiction, parenting…. whichever.

Bring it!

First baseball game with Jake

So last Sunday I took Jake to his first Braves game. It was a big deal for both him and me.. We had to start our day off of course with the VARSITY. You have not been to a ball game unless you have eaten at the Varsity first. Then we sat on a ton of traffic because of all the road work inside the perimeter. BrUTAL. Then once we got to the game Jake’s eyes lit up and the size of the field, the size of the BIG SCREEN and the excitement in the crowd. We both had our gloves waiting for a fly ball in right field. To bad Braves lost bad 14-5. So as the Braves were getting crushed Jake got to do some batting cages and just be a kid. It couldn’t have been better (ok maybe a win would have been better).





And so it begins….

So Jake signed up for football last Saturday and will start practices in August.
He has played soccer, basketball, and baseball. In each sport he just wants to tackle people.
Outside of me being concerned that Jake can’t get off the ground with all his pads on, I think he’ll have a good time.

For those that don’t know me well, I have deep roots in this sport and I hope my son enjoys it. Bring out the tums! Lord help me.

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Letters to the Next President

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We are beginning a new series on June 29th at North Point and it promises to be one that generates a lot of questions. We wanted to get people involved no matter what political view point they had so, we created a website where people can write a letter to the next president no matter WHO it will be. You are not writing to a candidate but to the next president.

Don’t forget to check out the promo. It’s always fun to have Andy involved and we had a great time recreating the White House press room – IN ONE DAY!!!. North American Mission Board is right next door to North Point so we were able to get the flags. We rented the blue drape. Then Matt from the media team sketched out a fun version of the white house but with a little spin. Make sure you see it! Podium is courtesy of Alpharetta Baptist Church.

This series promises to be a good one and we are really excited about it. Stay tuned…

Final TenBefore until August

So I know I haven’t blogged a lot as of late. Things have been crazy and lots going on.
I wanted to post the last TenBefore of the season. We will take the summer off and then kick it back into gear on August 10th.
This gives the media guys time to work on the fall promo’s (because we all know, every ministry has an event at the end of summer, beginning of fall. You can view it here.

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As we do the TenBefore we like to highlight different things and one of them is memorial day. The flag shot behind kelly came from the guys playing with a HD camera out in the parking lot and they got some great stuff that they were able to overcrank for some great slow-mo. Cheryl Collins created a great memorial day video.
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Faith, Hope, and Luck is a series that they were doing at Buckhead and now completed. Incredible series.
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Yeeeeaaaahhhh. This should be fun. This coming Sunday is Spanish Andy. We normally close down the West Auditorium during the 3rd hour (12:45) but now it will be used to reach out and minister to our spanish speaking friends. Julio has done an amazing job and the guys on production and media have been workin’ the translation!

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Joe Wiggleston created this very cool highlight for Do.Justice, an event put on by Singles to make a difference in the community.
Brian Manley was the designer. I really like to work with creative people!

Memorial Day morning

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Man my kids are chipper this morning!
My beautiful wife let me sleep in on Saturday and she in today.
The kids are READY to go for the day and I am still trying to figure out how I made the coffee half asleep.
Today will be fun with the kids and then tonight Jiyoung and I are going to the Steve Miller and Joe Cocker concert. Should be fun!
What are you doing today?

Drive Highlights up!!

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Ok folks…
I am still using the WordPress template free blogging deal so I can’t figure out how to post this flash video directly to my site BUT… here it is, DRIVE ’08 Highlight video. (Click the flying plane once you get into the site!

I am so proud to be part of not just a great media team but such an amazing church. It was an honor to meet so many of you and I hope you all came away from the conference filled up and challenged from God.

We have some things already in store for Drive ’09 so stay tuned!!

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Transition Pete Strikes again

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Pete took the best of Andy’s quotes at Drive (some quotes referenced from others) and put them in a VERY cool desktop design.
These are already on my desktop and rotating. For those that went to Drive, I hope these keep stirring your heart. For those of you that didn’t, go here and download these wallpapers onto your desktop and sit with them for a month or two.

Thanks Pete.

Jake Got the Game Ball

No picture (yet)…
But just thought you should all know… my boy went 3-3 in his new baseball helmet ($20 nike supercool lid from Dick’s Sporting goods) and yes…. he killed it. Proud of him even when he was playing with his gum and a line drive went right by him in center field. Problem was that they didn’t let him wear his helmet out in the field. 😉

Michael Colwell – You will be missed.


“Saved by grace, married to the love of my life, father to two boys who keep me laughing, passionate about my job, beating cancer.”
That is what Michael wrote on his blog some time ago.

Last night at 11:50 pm, Michael went to be with the lord losing his battle with cancer.

Michael’s influence on North Point, those around him will be hard to measure. But it can be felt.
All I know that as a staff member that got to work with him, he made me smile and radiated Jesus. He loved his wife. He loved his kids.

Now, he’s loving being with Jesus.

Dog Show in Perry, GA

If you have seen pictures of Calvin, my golden retriever, he comes from a lineage of goldens that are national award winning dogs. My extended family from Minnesota is in town for the Peach Blossom dog show in Perry, GA

Meet Caroline, my sweet little cousin who placed third showing a golden named Sabrina and then first place later. She is 7.

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Little League Baseball… I understand why parents make the 11 o’clock news now.

First of all, I coach pretty much anything Jake has been involved with.
My rule of thumb as I learn how to coach these young age groups is to be an assistant, gather information, watch, learn, and then offer to be a head coach the following year putting my own spin on things. I did this with Soccer and currently baseball. This being Jake’s first year of baseball, I am an assistant coach.

The “Midway Meteors” went into a night game with a 2-0 record and my son Jake is still learning the basics of catching, hitting and even throwing. This being his first year, he is struggling a bit. Well tonight’s game was a nail biter. Seriously exciting, which leads me to my story.

Jakob in the past two games had yet to get on base. So tonight I was rooting for my son to just GET ON BASE. On his first at bat, he did – and it was glorious. Then at his third at bat – he hit a ball that went into the outfield and my boy took off RUNNING. When he got to second though, the kid playing second HELD Jake and wouldn’t let him go to third. On top of that, the game was so close that every run counted!
Oh my word, I ALMOST lost it.
I got into the 14 year old umpire’s ear and said “DID YOU SEE THE SECOND BASEMENT HOLD THE BASERUNNER!!!”
He either saw it or he did not want to give me an answer I didn’t want to hear so after the play was done, all the runners advanced to another base because of the actions of this 6 year old on second base that held my poor innocent son from advancing to his deserving base. I, was vindicated and my son got a triple that he REALLY did deserve.

This is what dreams are made of!


Fee stopped by the office

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First Brad Weston, now FEE!
So when Steve stops by you know your in for a good time!
Steve and I go back about 10 years when we played together in a famous band with Dave Bell. You might just have our album!
Steve just had a baby boy so congrats to him and Carmen!

Today my Dad retires…

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March 31st, 2008 my dad is retiring from his job and begins an incredible, new stage of life. My mom will follow in a couple of months.

I will never forget when my dad came into my brother and I’s room at the age of 6 to tell us he had gotten fired from his then job. We asked why. He said “because daddy’s boss didn’t think he was giving 100%, and daddy’s boss was right.” That was thirty years ago. He got a new job soon after and he never left the place. That speaks volumes.

I wish I had a picture for everything that those thirty years represented to me. Here is a glimpse of the memories that dad provided:

– The one and only house I ever grew up in (San Jose, CA). Bought in 1970 for not so much money. He and mom still live there. Worth, well, a bunch of money.
– Atari
– A catchers uniform for Christmas when I wasn’t even in baseball.
– My first bike. (Rampar)
– My first football.
– My first football league.
– My first pair of drumsticks. Tons more over the years.
– An above ground swimming pool in the backyard (that was sunk in the dirt enough to only make it 2 feet above ground).
– My first Drumset (found in a pawn shop)(I had to pay half)
– My second drumset (electronic) (Again, I had to pay half.)
– Allowances
– Camping with the Boy Scouts.
– Summer camps at church.
– $20 on Sunday nights during high school (and yes sometimes college) to take my girlfriend out to dinner.
– My ’69 volkswagon bug (I had to fix it and keep it running)
– My Saturn SL (I had to pay half)
– 49er season tickets watching Joe Montana during the 80’s.
– College tuition
– My AAA card
– Our first Macintosh computer. I literally grew up on one. In the city where they built them.

In college mom would give my brother and I the gas card for a one time fill-up. She wouldn’t see it for a month. Then we heard the famous “mom!!! Get the gas card from the boys please!! We never thought he would notice the snacks that were charged.

When my brother and I played football together in college, there wasn’t an away game or home game they ever missed. That meant traveling all over California to see their boys in action. After the game, they would let us invite whoever to dinner. Home or away.

The first time I got to run out of the Dallas Cowboys locker room and onto the field – my dad and mom were there. That wasn’t cheap.
He was also there in Germany with mom and Jiyoung (we were dating back then) to see two football games while I played with the Frankfurt Galaxy.

Flying out from California to Atlanta again, and again, and again. Then the kids were born. Again, and again, and again.

As I think back to this company, this job, the place that dad went to everyday as a salesman for the past thirty something years, I have great memories of what it had provided. I hope they have great memories as well.

And now, being a dad and a husband, I have great appreciation and respect for what he has done.

Congratulations dad. Happy retirement. You’re a gift.

Carlos and Compassion

I have been watching Carlos’s blog now for the past few days (As I always do) and realized I am not helping much. That’s me sometimes in life. On the sidelines doing my own thing while other people are getting in and doing the dirty work. The work that calls us to be uncomfortable for God. The work that causes us to die to ourselves. As Carlos writes in his blog and even seeing his pictures and the reality he is witnessing with those kids, I have to help in some way. Carlos, I love ya and I pray I every kid you meet with have a sponser.

Go to Carlos’s blog and follow his journey.
