New Blog from Pace Hartfield at Fellowship

I say new because it looks like it got started in March of this year.
Pace Hartfield is the Worship pastor at Fellowship where he leads the Worship/Media.
He posted an incredible video they did at Christmas using a freakin’ Autodesk’s Smoke and Flame for compositing and 3-D work plus a Sony F900. Oh – My – WORD!
Anyways – I am sure he will have lots to offer on his blog and I look forward to hearing from him.
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Camp Out with Troika (again)

Okay folks…
Grab that cup of coffee again and spend some time with

These guys to me do some of the coolest, cleanest, sharpest and well thought out packages out there. Plus it looks like a fun place to work. (Read their Bios). They think COMMERCIALLY. They know their audience and they respect their clients! The’re smart. And you see their stuff EVERYWHERE. It is also VERY interesting how their staff is made up. A list of producers and a list of animators and designers.
Think about that.

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I love what they write on their “about” page…

“In today’s MEDIA DRENCHED WORLD, design is a powerful tool to connect with audiences and consumers.”

Just hearing those words “Media Drenched World” pushes me because they are so right. In your and my church worlds, where all of our attenders, listeners, seekers, returners come in being “DRENCHED” with content, DRENCHED with information, DRENCHED with culture – how will our designs, our videos, our series look, etc.. – going to leave a lasting impression. Do not underestimate the power of a BAD design and the impression a GOOD DESIGN leaves. Troika didn’t.

Make it your goal.

Make sure you read this, this and this.

4-13-08 TenBefore

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CLICK HERE to see it.

Ok, I know its been a while since I posted a video confessional. These take time and right now, time is a luxury.
This TenBefore had more singles events in it then normal. Thanks for being interested in this as always. I am humbled by your comments.

In this edition we had Do.Justice for singles – Promo for Jeff’s series that concludes this Sunday – then a promo for Fusion (a singles gathering and connection event) and then we focused on Middle school. We used Joe Wiggleston and contracted out the final editing and the final export of the Ten Before.

Again, we are still learning as we go but for us, it’s a great way to welcome, engage and let people know what is coming up.

Dog Show in Perry, GA

If you have seen pictures of Calvin, my golden retriever, he comes from a lineage of goldens that are national award winning dogs. My extended family from Minnesota is in town for the Peach Blossom dog show in Perry, GA

Meet Caroline, my sweet little cousin who placed third showing a golden named Sabrina and then first place later. She is 7.

posted from

New Series at North Point (Jeff Henderson Speaking)

Jeff Henderson (Campus Director at Buckhead Church) is speaking at North Point for two weeks. The media team has been challenged with doing something that in my mind is VERY difficult to do and be taken seriously unless done well – to shoot a period piece – Solomon himself. I really like the idea and we have an incredible actor to do a monologue. Jeff has done a wonderful job of setting us up early to figure things out and hash out some ideas.

This is the evite. (Mike from Media layed it out and we worked again with our friend Brian Manley.

Series starts this Sunday. It is gonna be REALLY good.

Www Evite Npcc
Brian Manley

Little League Baseball… I understand why parents make the 11 o’clock news now.

First of all, I coach pretty much anything Jake has been involved with.
My rule of thumb as I learn how to coach these young age groups is to be an assistant, gather information, watch, learn, and then offer to be a head coach the following year putting my own spin on things. I did this with Soccer and currently baseball. This being Jake’s first year of baseball, I am an assistant coach.

The “Midway Meteors” went into a night game with a 2-0 record and my son Jake is still learning the basics of catching, hitting and even throwing. This being his first year, he is struggling a bit. Well tonight’s game was a nail biter. Seriously exciting, which leads me to my story.

Jakob in the past two games had yet to get on base. So tonight I was rooting for my son to just GET ON BASE. On his first at bat, he did – and it was glorious. Then at his third at bat – he hit a ball that went into the outfield and my boy took off RUNNING. When he got to second though, the kid playing second HELD Jake and wouldn’t let him go to third. On top of that, the game was so close that every run counted!
Oh my word, I ALMOST lost it.
I got into the 14 year old umpire’s ear and said “DID YOU SEE THE SECOND BASEMENT HOLD THE BASERUNNER!!!”
He either saw it or he did not want to give me an answer I didn’t want to hear so after the play was done, all the runners advanced to another base because of the actions of this 6 year old on second base that held my poor innocent son from advancing to his deserving base. I, was vindicated and my son got a triple that he REALLY did deserve.

This is what dreams are made of!


Fee stopped by the office

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First Brad Weston, now FEE!
So when Steve stops by you know your in for a good time!
Steve and I go back about 10 years when we played together in a famous band with Dave Bell. You might just have our album!
Steve just had a baby boy so congrats to him and Carmen!