What have you been doing during the summer?

Ok, so yes I haven’t been blogging regularly and have been really trying to take the summer easy.
At work however, we have been quite busy working with so many different things. One of these things that gets SUPER busy during the summer is preparing for the new season of the TENBEFORE. (yes I said season). Kim, my new assistant, has made these gorgeous boards that help us make sense of THREE campuses and what happens Ten Minutes before the service starts. The guys have been working hard on updating the brand, making promo’s for upcoming series, writing commercials that lead people to specific ministries, and highlighting some of our worship leaders. After it runs on Sundays it then goes to the web in case people missed it.

We REALLY wanted to take announcements OUT of the service and keep that time to more of a welcome. It is still evolving and changing and by no means perfect. For us though, we want people to lean in and get engaged when it starts.

Click HERE and here for a sample of what we did in the spring.
Below is what is coming up with the information we have. Don’t think for a second it doesn’t change.

Img 0507
Img 0508
Img 0510

Where do you put your announcements?

2 thoughts on “What have you been doing during the summer?

  1. Well, Brad, after spending a few weekends seeing NP services and chatting it up with you, we’ve adopted the idea of beginning our services with video announcements. We’ve coined ours The 4Before and, while it does cause for more work, we really like not corrupting the morning flow of the service by stopping for announcements. But, we’re still learning ourselves…

    Brook Sarver

  2. Brad
    I am wanting some info on your 10B4 shoots and edits.
    I know you’ve touched on this in the past, but I’m missing some info that I was curious about. I could ask Dave Blakeslee about this but I couldn’t find contact info for him. Do you have a detailed how to process on those projects. From acquisition to export.
    My main interest is in acquisition.

    Thanks for any info you have

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